Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Dignity and Education?

Colgate University, Hamilton, NY
April 5 – 6, 2013

THEME: “Dignity and Education”

Potential topics include:
• Implementation of the Dignity for All Students Act (NYS)
• Surveillance of students-GPS tracking
• Surveillance of teachers-APPR
• Dignity and education: Civil liberties
• Affirmative action issues
• Cheating among tutoring companies
• High-stakes testing
• Bullying in schools

Proposals due January 15, 2013

The New York State Foundations of Education Association invites
participation in the Annual Meeting from all those interested in the
foundations of education as scholarship and lived experience.
Especially welcome are proposals that develop “crossover discourses”
between and among sustainability activism, socially critical
curriculum, progressive politics/pursuit of global social justice,
comedy, theater, and visual arts/media literacy used in real
classrooms and/or civic and informal networks. You don’t need to be
from NY State. Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students, and K-12
teachers welcome! Alternative formats welcome!

Our conference is intimate, activist oriented, has no concurrent
sessions, and provides a great space for dialogue and feedback.

Keynote Speaker: Barrie Gewanter

Barrie Gewanter is the Director of the Central New York Chapter of the
New York Civil Liberties Union. Her path to working with the ACLU has
been unusual. After receiving a BFA in Stage Management, she worked as
a stage manager and technician in the professional theatre. She then
earned a Masters in Sociology and taught college courses in Sociology
and Women’s Studies. (She also tutored the SU Football Team.) As
Executive Director of the CNY Council on Occupational Safety and
Health, she worked with businesses and unions to promote worker safety
and health. She has been an advocate for women’s rights, gay and
lesbian rights, voting rights, economic justice and civil rights.
Gewanter played key roles in the implementation of Domestic Partner
Benefits at Syracuse University, in the passage of a Living Wage Law
in Syracuse, enactment of Bill of Rights Defense Campaign Resolutions
in Syracuse and Elmira. In 2011 she served on an Advisory Committee
that drafted revisions to legislation guiding effective civilian
review of police complaints in Syracuse. This legislation was enacted
into law in late December of that year. She has worked on class action
lawsuits challenging inequities in resources for public education in
NY State and deficiencies in its Indigent Defense System. Gewanter has
received awards from the Syracuse/Onondaga County Human Rights
Commission and Peace Action of Central New York. In 2008 she was
honored with a Community Service Award from the Syracuse/Onondaga
County NAACP. She is now in her 16th year representing the ACLU and
NYCLU in the Central NY Region.

Proposal Guidelines:

All proposals are due by January 15, 2013. To submit your proposal,
please visit http://conference.nysfea.org/ or
http://bit.ly/NYSFEA2013. Please register for a user account at the
site if you do not have one already, so you can log in to start the
submission process. Only those proposals submitted through NYSFEA’s
online submission site will be accepted for consideration.

For further information please contact Dr. Shawgi Tell at Nazareth
College at stell5@naz.edu.

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