Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Writing to Make a Difference and Change the World

Tired of writing to hear your own voice? No longer excited to see your name in print and want something more?

Two books offer advice about how to make a difference and change the world. Both address the concerns of engaged scholars.

The first is Writing a Book that Makes a Difference, by Philip Gerard. It's designed to help you find your own big idea, check out its worthiness, develop it, and connect to the reader. Written in 2000, it does not touch on the new media formats such as blogs and e-books. It is strictly about writing books.

The second is Writing to Change the World by Mary Pipher, author of (among other influential change books) Reviving Ophelia. Pipher's book is to my eye simpler and more direct, perhaps because she devotes a lot of attention to the sorts of simple and direct communications found in blogs, short articles, and op ed pieces.

If you want to un-learn the writing habits of academia and learn new ones that allow you to connect and make a difference try one or both of these valuable guides.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi. I just wanted to mention my forthcoming book, entitled "Writing to Make a Difference: 25 Powerful Techniques to Boost Your Community Impact." You can see (and comment on) excerpts at: